When I access to a secret hiding place of imitation iPhone - phone had the same way a real iPhone, but it was a pirate of the pieces made from real - I could ask how much? "I can sell for $ 10 less than the purchase price for an iPhone real? What about the 25 percent discount, what is authenticity?
The price of the counterfeit reveals something important, calculated as the value of the human mind. long, in many cases, we turn to authenticity as an end in itself. We want the real iPhone not because it works better, but it is true. The same logic explains why splurge on Hermes bags, Rolex watches Prada T-shirts, fantasy and the art of expensive Bordeaux. (How much would you pay for a false impression of Picasso?) During a Rolex is a nice piece of timing equipment, the value of the clock has nothing to do with its function. Instead, it is intact on the authenticity of the brand.
It is easy to ridicule this behavior as simple snobbery. Pretentious fools despise implementation Louis Vuitton bags or praise his Vertu phone or wear underwear with a big logo. Most probably assume from the fact that just lost a lot of money on some costly social signaling, or are calm with brands to its deep uncertainty.
Unfortunately, we are all vulnerable to the same trend. There are now signs that our belief in the real thing - especially when the authenticity is supported by effective marketing campaigns - a deep human instinct that comes at a very early age, is. Consider an ingenious experiment conducted by psychologist Bruce Hood, and Paul Bloom. The researchers studied 43 children aged between three and six. The children were shown a copy machine "- in fact, the last Tachistoscope flashing lights and bells - and told him he could make an exact copy of each object. After the machine demonstrated by children - scientists," copy ", a block- and rubber animal - Hood and Bloom then the children that the machine could duplicate toys elástico''''se. A man placed in the box and repeat the illusion. Interestingly, young children actually prefer the "double" and chose toys 62 percent of the time. Children are not concerned about "authenticity" of the strength of man.
But Hood and Bloom is still not finished. There were many children take their "attachment objects" as their favorite blanket or stuffed animal. (I remember losing, Johnny, my stuffed penguin, at the tender age of five years. Grief.) So, the scientists offered a "copy" of the property for children. Four of the children just do not - it would not allow his blanket, somewhere in the vicinity nefarious device. But even children, their system allows its object "copied refused" almost always objects to be seen as equivalent. The new double was a blanket of contraband, a replacement for a stuffed animal. Although the children assured that the objects were identical, we believe intuitively that the copy is not the same. Lacked a history, a link, a romantic connection. It was authentic.
The same principle applies to brands. Despite more than stuffed animals, never beyond the irrational logic of authenticity and authenticity. There are certain things whose value depends largely on its legitimacy. While I could hear music on my iPhone piracy, I wish that the phone is authentic. I want the Apple logo to be real. Why? The brand is actually woven into my emotional brain .* Because when I see the logo, I see a functional object. Instead, I've learned anything that does not respond to the notice of all the bright emission subtle connotations. There are many carpets in the world. But only a blanket. The best brands are ceiling.